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urology discounts for military personnel


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circumcision of the foreskin, circumcision Kyiv

Duration of operation: 30-40 minutes.

  Local anesthesia: the patient does not feel pain at all, but the load on the cardiovascular system is minimized.We use thin insulin needles to administer local anesthesia. As a result, the injection is as painless as possible.

For foreskin circumcision, we use a radio knife, which provides:  
- absence of scars;
- short healing period;
- tissue histology can be done if necessary.

Aesthetic appearance after the procedure.

Self-wetting catgut surgical material is used for suturing, It is not necessary to remove such seams. Seams are applied very carefully to ensure accurate and precise juxtaposition and growth of tissues. This gives not only a good aesthetic result, but also ensures elasticity of the skin after healing.

The operation is done by a doctor with more than 20 years of experience.

Rehabilitation period:
- healing of the postoperative wound: 7 — 14 days;
- normal sexual life can be carried out 1 month after circumcision.

Control examination, constant communication with the doctor throughout the rehabilitation period.


Price                UAH 17000*

(*the price is indicated for the entire operation, "turnkey", including local anesthesia)

Preoperative consultation
of a urologist
UAH 500

Preoperative Test Package:
1) Complete Blood Count (CBC)
2) Urinalysis (UA)
3) HbsAg (Hepatitis B)
4) HCV Total (Hepatitis C)
5) HIV
6) RW (Syphilis)
7) Glucose
8) Coagulogram

Preoperative tests can be done with us, package cost3070 UAH 

Or in any other laboratory, and send us the results.

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Circumcision (circumcision)

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3 Dmytro Hodzenko Str. (Glazunova), Kyiv, Ukraine
(metro station Zvirynetska)
Pechersk district

+38 (067) 374-17-17
+38 (095) 202-17-17

Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 to 16:00
Sunday: closed

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